
South African customer choose KORFEZ

November 2014: KORFEZ were chosen as partner to perform a complete mill conversion. In a personal meeting on site we earned the trust and business of a new customer. In close collaboration with the customer, we determined an optimized solution to replace the currently installed clamped mill shell lining.
The reason we chose a bolted WAVE LINING SYSTEM was, on the one hand, because of the fine grinding media composition with very small grinding balls. On the other hand they make storage easier by having many equal parts. Another advantage is that it is considerably easier to perform the assembly and installation as well as the maintenance of these wave liner plates.
We expect a significant process improvement by means of the new KORFEZ WAVE LINING SYSTEM.

At this point, we would like to thank our customer for the trust and the warm welcome they have given to us during our visit. Working together we quickly and efficiently achieve enormous performance increases!


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